We're all about giving back! When you shop at your favourite brands worldwide through TechBank, we receive a commission and share it with you as Cryptoback in Bitcoin & CCRB. TechBank is a European headquartered licensed and trusted ecosystem to SHOP, EARN & TRADE with your digital currency in over 190 countries. Open a beautifully simple app-based global multi-currency account now and claim $5 worth Bitcoin, as a welcome bonus in minutes not days.
TechBank License
TechBank is a fully licenced financial institution that avails you with a digital banking alternative services including a pre-paid crypto linked virtual card, business loans, payment gateway services, cryptocurrency exchange and peer-to-peer market place. TechBank OÜ (14440607) is licenced by the Financial Intelligence Unit. TechBank Crypto exchange (License No: FVR000419) & crypto wallet service (License No: FRK000341) Estonia. We’re not a bank we are licenced to handle customer’s multicurrency crypto assets and handle crypto to fiat and fiat to crypto trades. We operate from our corporate offices in London and Estonia.
Personal Account
Join over 1 million users in our ecosystem who have now moved to Cryptoback. Open a beautifully simple app-based global crypto multi-currency account in minutes no days. This is a global multicurrency crypto account– but not as you know it. It’s personal savings and reward account that’s mobile and built for the way we live now.
Business Account
Open a business account and launch your own crypto rewards program in minutes. We can provide your Company with a multi-currency crypto account, so you can continue to grow your business on an international level. Get direct access to exchanges, Payment Processors, transfer and receive funds worldwide and so much more.
No Cards - No Fiat - No Fees.
Buy, Sell and manage your crypto over 60 popular Currencies in one place. We have built a fully functional, licensed and secure platform to manage your crypto assets portfolio. Our live App directly connects customers with local and international brands by allowing users to spend crypto with ease using our patent-pending technology. The retailer API connected with the App issues instant e-codes, which can be scanned at checkout or redeemed online globally at major brands.
TechBank Loyalty Program (Patent Pending)
Big and small merchants anywhere in the world can now start a Cryptoback or a Cashback loyalty program in minutes using our APP. Can you risk losing your customers because you don’t have a loyalty program?
The Pareto Principle states that on average, roughly 20% of a business’s customers account for 80% of its revenues. While the actual breakdown varies depending on your business model, your most loyal customers always account for most of your future free cash flow.
Most business leaders also understand the value of loyalty programs, at least in theory. Nearly anyone can tell you that it costs more to acquire a new customer — five to 25 times more, depending on who you ask — than to keep an existing one, and loyal customers tend to spend more with a brand than new customers. In other words, building a loyal customer base should have a significant impact on a firm’s bottom line cash flow and profit.
The TechBank shopping platform and ecosystem is not a proof-of-concept - it's been fully-functioning since Jan 2017 which is why we already have numerous testimonials from people all over the world who have already shopped and saved with TechBank.
我们都在回馈!当您通过TechBank在全球范围内购买自己喜欢的品牌时,我们会收到佣金并与您分享比特币和CCRB中的Cryptoback。 TechBank是一家总部位于欧洲的全球许可和值得信赖的生态系统,在全球190多个国家/地区使用您的数字货币进行购物,购买和交易。现在打开一个非常简单的基于应用程序的全球多货币账户,并声称价值5美元的比特币,作为欢迎奖金在几分钟而不是几天。
TechBank是一家获得完全许可的金融机构,可为您提供数字银行替代服务,包括预付费加密链接虚拟卡,商业贷款,支付网关服务,加密货币交换和点对点市场。 TechBankOÜ(14440607)获得金融情报部门的许可。 TechBank加密交换(许可证号:FVR000419)和加密钱包服务(许可证号:FRK000341)爱沙尼亚。我们不是一家银行,我们有权处理客户的多货币加密资产,并处理加密到法定和加密交易。我们在伦敦和爱沙尼亚的公司办事处开展业务。
加入我们生态系统中超过100万用户,他们现已转移到Cryptoback。在几分钟内打开一个非常简单的基于应用程序的全球加密多币种账户。这是一个全球多货币加密帐户 - 但不是您所知道的。这是个人储蓄和奖励账户,它是移动的,并为我们现在的生活方式而建。
没有卡 - 没有菲亚特 - 没有费用。
大多数商业领袖也理解忠诚度计划的价值,至少在理论上是如此。几乎任何人都可以告诉你,收购一个新客户需要花费更多 - 比你要求的人多5到25倍 - 而不是保留现有客户,忠诚的客户倾向于花更多的钱购买品牌而不是新客户。换句话说,建立忠诚的客户群应该对公司的底线现金流和利润产生重大影响。
TechBank购物平台和生态系统不是一个概念验证 - 自2017年1月以来它一直在全面运作,这就是为什么我们已经有来自世界各地已经购买并通过TechBank保存的人们的大量推荐。